Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Mezzanine Floors

The Minister has announced the intention to align parts of Welsh retail planning with the English approach by bringing proposals for additional floor space over 200 square metres within the existing footprint of a building used for retail purposes within the control of the planning system.   

Consultation is ongoing until 13 February 2015.

The changes wont affect increases in floor space of less than 200m2 which will continue not to be considered "development". 

Monday, 1 December 2014

S106 Affordable Housing and Tariff charges: Small Developments and Self -Build

If you are a small developer you will be delighted to learn that last Friday the Government changed national planning practice guidance, setting out that Councils should no longer charge contributions for affordable housing or other tariff type charges (eg Public Open Space) on residential developments of 10 units or less (with a total of 1000sqm or less) nor on domestic extensions or residential annexes.

Smaller thresholds of 6-10 residential units apply in designated "rural areas" (National Parks/AONB).

If you got excited its England guidance only.  Here in Wales there is no sign of Welsh Government taking any steps to lessen this type of burden.