Monday, 5 August 2013

August Sabbatical

As the rain hammers on the ground outside the office, my thoughts turn to the month ahead and beyond.  Generally a quieter time with few planning planning committees and hiatus as colleagues too are away. 

I think, and have experienced with this recession, that a planning consultants forward work plan is a good barometer of  the economy twelve to eighteen months hence.  We have a schedule of current and forward work looking well into 2014, a much rosier picture than 12 months ago. Noticeably more major proposals and commercial schemes that are coming forward.  A genuine sign that development activity is on the horizon?
Earlier in the year I blogged some thoughts about our expectations for 2013.  Its fair to say predictions that our services would be sought in tourism and (private) healthcare sectors were correct. We have presented applications for sports clubs, new static holiday units near Caerwys and are working on a major upgrade to facilities at one of the largest holiday parks in Denbighshire.  Last week permission was issued for Fairways Care Dementia Centre in Abergele, and clients are waiting for completion of a S106 variation that will provide further private care and consulting facilities on the North Wales Technology Park.  We have undertaken preliminary review of a site for a strategic intermediate care facility in North Wales and expect an instruction to move to planning stage any day.

Clients keep returning. So we are delighted to be assisting in master planning then securing the first phase of development for a longstanding client on the Deeside Industrial Park; advising Mostyn Estates on planning matters for some of its holdings and continue our relationship with the Mound group of companies. 

The housing sector still seems to bump along. Perhaps the proposed Welsh Help to Buy scheme will create some market momentum?. Nonetheless we have instructions from a north Wales Regional builder and a Chester based developer on land in Holt as they perhaps gear up for the future.


August is always a busy time for us personally.  This year its busier than ever.  Pete will help teach one daughter to drive, assist another with her sailing aspirations, see family on an 18th Birthday weekend, pop over to the Ardennes to enjoy his christmas present - a trip to the Belgian Grand Prix - then a short family holiday. Juggling a Business around this is always difficult. 

So whilst this August we plan to work, we will do so around giving these other things priority.  As we all know, a month in planning can be like a day the normal world, it will pass in a blink.  We will be in and out of the office, but its unplanned and flexible.  We wont be able to pick up the phone or email back instantly.

I'll use the time to enjoy the ones I love, whilst intertwining work with some relaxation and reflecting on where the business might go in the future too.

As ever thanks for your support and for reading. See you in September